Our Studios

For ages 5 to 7

The Spark Studio

Harness curiosity

Like Maria Montessori, we believe even the youngest child has important work to do, even if the work is imaginary play or working with wood scraps, ladders, and old tires to build a castle.

The Spark Studio is best imagined as a garden where learners embrace Montessori work and Spark Play to learn real-life skills and develop the independence, focus, and kindness needed to enter an Acton Elementary Studio — each prepared to discover a calling that will change the world.

Spark learners:

  • Grow curiosity through hands-on projects and outdoor adventure "Spark Play".
  • Explore mindfulness, natural interests, and music, and have a LOT of fun.
  • Build the foundations of independent learning, reading, writing, communication, and math.

For ages 7-12

The Elementary Studio

Accomplish important work and play well with others

An Acton Elementary Studio is like a close-knit neighborhood where learners tackle important work, solve problems, collaborate with peers, and engage in increasingly challenging games.

Elementary aged learners:

  • Ask great questions.
  • Have fun and welcome others.
  • Set and track goals.
  • Build a solid foundation in math, reading, writing, and Civilization.
  • Explore, are curious and develop a love of learning through hands-on project-based learning.

For ages 12-14

The Middle School Studio

Coming Soon! (Opening next year)

Acton Academy Middle School is where young heroes learn to work hard, tackle complex computational challenges; communicate clearly and persuasively and develop the passion and real-world skills needed to make a difference in the world.   

Middle School learners:

  • Master core skills (reading, writing, and math) through the latest technology. 
  • Develop critical thinking and an appreciation for heroes and history through Socratic discussions.
  • Dive deeply into biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, finance and psychology through immersive quests and public exhibitions.
  • Prepare for the real world through challenging apprenticeships.
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We believe that learning to do, learning to be, and learning to learn are more important than memorization.